Beta Phase 4 Client (Open Beta > Release)

Everything regarding the FFXIV-game. 1.0 and A Realm Reborn. / Themen bezüglich FFXIV 1.0 und A Realm Reborn.

Moderatoren: Shadonic, Fidi

Beta Phase 4 Client (Open Beta > Release)

Beitragvon Shadonic » 9. Aug 2013, 15:32

Please check the Beta Forums for the new client as the old one won't be updated anymore.
The New Client found in the FFXIV beta Forums will be updated and can also be used for Early Access & Release Versions.
Elite Royal Guard
Elite Royal Guard
Beiträge: 603
Registriert: 8. Dez 2005, 23:16
Wohnort: wien

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